Thursday, March 31, 2016

4 Ways to Spring Renewal

Okay, so It's officially spring. The time for renewal, hope and of course, love. If you're not in a relationship or if your relationship has gone stale, you may be feeling a bit down. But now is not the time to despair. One of the most important relationships you have, besides the one you have with Jesus Christ, is the one you have with yourself. Often times, it is this relationship that determines how well you fair in relationships with the opposite sex. So, it's time for some spring cleaning. Take stock of how well you are 'relating' to yourself.

Self Talk
Words are important, and everyone knows, once they're out there you can't take them back. But, what about the words that never become audible. "I hate the way I look," "I never get anything right," or the ever popular, "Things won't ever change." These statements are the equivalent of junk food to the soul. They may be the food of choice at your pity party, but they are detrimental to your mental health. One of the best ways to combat these thoughts is to replace them with Scripture. Think about what God has to say about you and repeat His Words instead. "I have loved you with an everlasting love," "I will never leave you nor forsake you," and  "God so loved [me] that He gave His only begotten Son." Knowing that the God of the entire universe loves and cares for you will dispel the lies of the enemy.

Self Care
Here is an area that is often neglected. Life in our culture often operates at a break-neck speed. Sadly, it is often our necks and backs that take the brunt of our burdens. Taking time to exercise, meditate and stretch is not our number one priority.  Yes, we have to work, pay our bills and take care of our families, but if you're too sick and tired to function, none of these things will get accomplished either.  Now that the weather is warmer,  find the time to take a 15 minute walk and breathe in the fresh air and enjoy God's handiwork. Schedule an hour massage. Do some Bible art journaling. I don't know where I've been, but I just found out about the adult coloring craze and it has made it's way to the Church. There are some beautiful examples of paintings and doodles on Pintrest that are simply amazing ways to de-stress and focus on Scripture at the same time. I may even start a Bible Art Journal Blog to share with you in the future!

Feeding Yourself
Our body is our temple, but we desecrate it daily with the food we put in it. From eating excess sugar and salt to fried or processed foods, we often do more harm to our bodies ourselves than anyone else does. Be mindful of what you eat. One of the best ways to do this is to plan your meals. It doesn't have to be anything ornate or extravagant. After all, you aren't planning meals for the heads of state, but you do want to plan your meals so that the state of your head and bodily organs will be healthy. There are great apps to help with this, but the one I love the most is Big Oven. You can add your own recipes, search from recipes online and create a weekly meal plan online or on your phone. This makes meal planning fun and doable.

Dressing Yourself
Spring is a time when people put away their chunky winter clothes and search for something light. You don't have to spend a lot of money on a new spring wardrobe. Take the time to think of what makes you feel good. Everyone has that one outfit that makes them feel and look good. Think light fabrics like cotton that breathes and colors that bring out your unique skin tones. Add a pair of cute sandals or loafers and you're set! But, perhaps the best thing you could outfit yourself with this spring is a new and refreshed attitude toward your relationship with God and man and last, but not least, yourself.

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