Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Ask and You Shall Receive

When it comes to our relationships, sometimes it's hard to ask for what we want, be it a hug, help or some honey. Sometimes I think that people believe they shouldn't have to ask their spouse for certain things, they should be so in tune with their spouse that they should just know what the other person wants. This is ridiculous. We don't expect that kind of behavior from teachers, pastors or friends. If you need help in class you had to raise your hand. If you wanted prayer from the Pastor, you had to stop by after service guessed it, ask!

It almost seems to be a subtle form of idolatry when we expect our spouses to read our minds, cater to our every whim. This isn't what marriage is designed for. Yes, we want our needs met and our spouses are there to help us with that. But, only God knows what we need and want deep down inside at any given moment and even He wants us to go to him in prayer and ask Him.

It helps us to deepen our relationship with our spouses when we allow ourselves to become vulnerable and ask them for what we need and want. It also keeps us from pride. Refusing to ask for help can be a matter of pride. When you think to yourself, "why do I have to ask him/her for x,y. or z?" we place ourselves in a position above others and our spouses. Now, of course your spouse should anticipate many of your needs and desires if their desire is to love and please you. But, they also have needs and desires of their own, not to mention various things pulling on them for attention and sometimes they may need a little assistance from you. So, the next time you need something, just ask and you probably will get it.

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